New Now 2016

February 5 – April 23, 2016

The Once and Future: New Now: Cary Esser, George Timock, Chris Gustin, Sunkoo Yuh, Jun Kaneko, Bobby Silverman, Steven Young Lee, Gerit Grimm, Tip Toland, John Souter, Nathan Prouty, John Balistreri, Annabeth Rosen, Rain Harris, Dan Anderson, Christa Assad, Linda Lighton, Misty Gamble, Eva Kwong, Peter Pincus, Michael Lucero, Arnie Zimmerman, Richard Notkin

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The Once and Future: New Now

Traces of shared DNA are found in the work of all ceramic artists and form the foundation of an ever-changing legacy of evolution and revolution. Ceramic genealogy continues to mutate and transform with each generation of promising new talent as the influence of makers and mentors continues to alter, shift, and evolve into the new, unexpected aesthetics of today. The exhibition, The Once and Future: New Now reflects the arc of that experience from the early pioneers to their heirs. Ceramics has been defined by the relationship between makers and mentors as the emphasis on community continues to thrive. Scheduled to coincide with a national ceramic conference, NCECA, the New Now exhibition is a concise display of the gallery’s dedication to representing ceramic artists for the past 30 years. Exhibiting the work of ceramic masters alongside newcomers to the field, The Once and Future: New Now embraces the theme of NCECA’s 50th anniversary conference: Makers, Mentors, and Milestones.

This exhibition was open
February 5, 2016 – April 23, 2016.



Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11-5 p.m. & by appointment.
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