
JEFF AELING: New Paintings
MICHAEL SCHULTZ: Journey in the Land

Opening Reception: First Friday, SEPTEMBER 7 | 7-9pm.
The artists will be present.

Cloud to Cloud Lightening
48″ x 72″
oil on panel

The paintings of Jeff Aeling tell the experience of being on the land, the power of nature and the beauty of light. They reveal to us a deep connection to the vastness of the landscape of our country. Informed by the history of art and science, Aeling looks at the mutual embrace of land and sky as a twenty-first century observer. He shows us the specific qualities of a particular day and season, the temperature cool and the atmosphere clear or warm and humid, winds blustery or still, as he searches for the essence of what is universal.

Wide-open spaces have always been an essential part of our national identity and Jeff Aeling’s landscape paintings serve as a contemporary metaphor for the expansiveness and openness of America itself. Aeling’s paintings anticipate memory and capture the transitory and eternal as one.

The paintings of Jeff Aeling are held in numerous museum and corporate collections including The Beach Museum, Manhattan, Kansas; The Denver Art Museum, Colorado; The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, Sedalia, Missouri; The Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art and Sprint World Headquarters, Overland Park, Kansas; Exeter Oil Corporation, Denver, Colorado; and DST Systems, Kansas City. Missouri.

Alberta, 2008 #12684

“2000 years ago the Greeks had a number of words to describe the act of seeing. One of them was the word eido, which expressed a type of sight that went beyond natural seeing into sight of understanding, sensing, and awareness. This best describes my approach to landscape images.” – Michael Schultz

Michael Schultz’ landscape photographs reveal the vastness, beauty and power of the land that makes up our planet. In photographs with high horizons, or no horizon at all, humankind is absent but not mourned. Belief in something bigger than ourselves has always pulled us to the natural world, to the prairies and mountains, where geology and nature thrive and pulse with a plan that is life itself.

It is through the photographs of Michael Schultz that the experience of wonder, belief and complexity in the world under our feet falls within our gaze. In his photographs, it is the land that is omnipresent and bears witness to what has been and what is to come.

Michael Schultz is a recipient of the prestigious Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship. His photographs are in numerous museum and private collections including The Guggenheim Foundation, NY; The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, MO; The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, Sedalia, MO; North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC; Dayton Museum of Art, OH; and the Museum of Fine Art, St. Petersburg, FL.

Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11-5pm & by appointment.
For past exhibitions, please visit our archive.