Parade, oil on paper on panel, 17”x 40”
Artist Carol Stewart’s still life paintings are anything but still. Inspired by direct observation, Stewart’s vibrant play of color and light activates the painting’s surface as though it were suspended in the aura of an energy field. Activated by a lively network of delicate color-saturated marks, these paintings embrace both the familiar and the abstract. In Stewart’s paintings, captured sunlight often filters through transparent fabric hung in front of a sunny window and falls across tableaus of the domestic landscape. Objects, patterns, transparent glass, flowers from her St. Louis garden, and fruit are illuminated and woven into singular compositions of time and place. Forms are revealed, concealed and dissolve as Stewart’s painting pulses with the rhythm of daily life.
Born in Ontario, Stewart grew up in Kingston and Montreal. She holds a M.F.A. from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri and a B.F.A. from Queen’s University, Canada. Stewart’s work can be found in private and public collections in the United States, Canada and the U.K.