Ky Anderson

Ky Anderson

Sanguine Series – 2023/24
Sanguine has many translations and meanings, from optimistic to blood thirsty. In art, Sanguine is a color, a reddish-brown often referred to as the color of dried blood. My introduction to it was through a large bottle of ink I picked up many years ago in France. As the color worked its way into my paintings, I found it to be a versatile but specific mix of pigments. When mixed with white it leans towards orange, as opposed to a traditional red which will turn pink. Sanguine vibrates with the colors around it, saturating them with an optical spark.
– Ky Anderson, 2024

Time Has Width Series – 2021/22
When I woke in the middle of the night, suspended between sleep and consciousness, the words Time Has Width appeared, accompanied by a vision of imagined paintings that showed moments on a timeline. In these paintings, each event along the timeline was shown as a point surrounded by circular lines that expanded, overlapped and communicated with one another.

Once fully awake, the paintings in my vision and the words Time Has Width seemed nonsensical. But, as the day went on and I worked in the studio, the idea and images of my vision began to occupy more space in my mind. Time Has Width had become a problem to solve and, for me, the best way to understand and explore an idea was to paint it.

As these paintings evolved, I began to understand that Time Has Width was an insight, a visual translation, of the impact that the Covid 19 pandemic has had on my life over the past few years. The effect has been intensely personal and, at the same time, global. Covid became an intensified event on everyone’s shared timeline across the world. These moments flew together, exploded, expanded, contracted and overlapped.
– Ky Anderson, 2022

After living and working in Brooklyn NY for over 15 years, the pandemic of 2020 prompted Ky Anderson, as it did so many artists, to relocate. Anderson always maintained strong ties to Kansas City community where she grew up and attended school. She graduated from the Kansas City Art Institute in 1995. In 2020, she moved back to KC and transitioned from a small NY studio to an expansive warehouse loft. Her Kansas City studio allows her the space to expand and explore paintings and drawings with a new freedom. Anderson’s light filled, abstract color harmonies echo architecture, sculpture and the figure and read as poetry not prose.

Ky Anderson’s work is exhibited across the country including New York, San Francisco, and Chicago. Anderson recently completed a public commission for a series of twelve paintings for the new Cambridge Tower at the University of Kansas Hospital, KC, KS.