
DJ12-2, 2012, oil on canvas 35″x 35″

Texas painter, Vincent Falsetta, brushes, blends and drags thick, juicy oil paint into oil paint to create multi-hued abstractions that pulse and move as though seismic activity, waves of sound, water or light. Falsetta paints with subtle variations of hand pressure, rhythm and speed, using tools such as cardboard and palette knives to form paintings that are equally object and illusion, deliberately planned and spontaneously improvised.
Vincent Falsetta’s paintings are in numerous permanent collections including the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, El Paso Museum of Art, Longview Art Museum, TX, and Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock. He is Professor of Painting/Drawing at the College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, Denton and was a finalist for the prestigious 2007 Hunting Art Prize.

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