Past Exhibition

Welcome to Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art archives.

September 1st – October 21st
 This exhibition is a sample of ongoing discoveries within two separate themes.   Thinking back on almost a half century of image-making there is diversity in what interests my heart and eye. The word beauty has been a central theme from the beginning.  It may be an out-of-date word, but I will stick with it.  Beauty elevates the soul and describes the inner state of being in a place of wonder. -Michael Schultz
September 1st – October 21st
John Ferry’s recent paintings continue his lifelong inspiration and love of architecture and the built environment. The cities, that he has explored, from Detroit to Rome, are the catalyst for Ferry’s painted investigations of color, light, texture and space. Forgotten or overlooked urban spaces, such as alleyways or fire escapes, are shown in exaggerated vertical formats that express the very character of what is being depicted.
April 7th -June 24th
Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art is pleased to present an ensemble of gallery artists and artists new to the gallery in SHARP-SIGHTED. Jeff Aeling, Laura Berman, Jane Booth, Marcus Cain, Angie Jennings, Kathy Liao, Annie Helmericks-Louder , John Louder, Nancy Newman Rice, Nora Othic, Barbara Rogers, Sun Foret-Smith, Harold Smith, and Shiyuan Xu.
April 7th -June 24th
Amy Kligman’s first solo show at SLCA, “Offerings”, presents a series of recent paintings that continue the artist’s ongoing interest in cycles and seasons, milestones and ritual. These paintings are offerings of intent and reflection.
February 3- March 25, 2023
In She’s Back , Patty Carroll’s most recent photographs in her Anonymous Women series, we find Carroll’s domestic heroine/victim, plucky and hapless as ever.  With only a few bits of her visible, she succumbs time and again to her zest for décor in re-imagined domestic interiors that range from the wild west to game night.  She is both the victim of her obsessions as well as the invisible creator.  She is sad and funny, silly and serious, slapstick and tragic, but always game for more.
February 3- March 25, 2023
"We continually move through time and space, but never-the-less humans continue to try to stop this fluctuation. Our desire to construct a sense of home, through architecture, objects, habits, and rituals are acts of distraction where we can find relief in regularity. This new body of work, Midwestern Green/Western Blue, addresses the idea of home not as a static or singular habitable place but rather as a dynamic experience, found in multiple locations." - Anne Austin Pearce